“Our Intention is to help everyone express his or her personal powers and inner beauty.”

Hair Salon Ventura

Not all hair salons are the same. One hair salon in Ventura is certainly different from most others. The Yamaguchi Day Spa & Salon combines contemporary beauty techniques with the age-old philosophy of feng shui. The result is balanced and harmonious hair and makeup that suits your personality and makes you look fantastic and feel wonderful.

Leading Hair Salon in Ventura

At our hair salon in Ventura, our philosophy is simple. We want to help you express your personal powers and inner beauty. We believe that matching your hairstyle and makeup to your personal energy, guided by our experienced hair stylist, we can help you achieve balance and harmony.

Feng shui is an ancient belief that dates back more than 40,000 years. In its simplest form, feng shui helps you provide balance in your life. There are five main personal energies including fire, water, metal, wood, and earth. Each has its own unique characteristics. Our goal is to find your energy and then match your style and makeup to create a harmonious result.

Women with fire energy are passionate and trendy. They enjoy being creative and artistic and they add some color in the world. Water women are spiritual and chic. They are inspirational, innovative, and intellectual at the same time.

Women with metal energy are classic and disciplined. They are consistent and organized and are likely to be in charge. Wood energy women are casual and social. They are leaders with an optimistic attitude who are active and competitive. Those with earth energy are nurturing, intuitive, and protective. They are serene and caring and prefer a natural look.

Each of the types of energies is best suited to particular hairstyles and makeup. When your hair and makeup are in balance with your energy you are happy and life is good. Our hair salon in Ventura is unique in that we use feng shui principles to help create a look that matches your personality, face shape, and body, all with the expertise of our skilled hair stylist.

Every client is treated to a beautiful experience that will put your life in balance. You will emerge with a new look and a new positive attitude. Our techniques are based on the same feng shui principles that are used to balance and harmonize other areas of your life.

Hair Color Specialists in Ventura

At Yamaguchi Day Spa & Salon, we are not only experts in applying feng shui principles to hair and makeup, but we are also hair color specialists in Ventura. Our team of experienced colorists, guided by our talented hair stylist, can help you achieve the perfect hair color to complement your personality, skin tone, and lifestyle. We use only the highest quality hair color products to ensure that your hair looks and feels its best.

About Billy Yamaguchi

Feng shui has been used in the organization of homes and offices, but Billy Yamaguchi was the first to incorporate it into the realm of beauty. He is the author of two books about the integration of feng shui in the beauty and wellness industry.

Billy Yamaguchi has made television appearances to showcase his popular Feng Shui Makeover and Yamaguchi Lifestyle. His Yamaguchi Hair Therapy product line was featured as an Editor's Choice in leading magazines.

Women in Ventura and other places can enjoy the luxury and harmony of the Yamaguchi Lifestyle. Our team of experts at our hair salon in Ventura, led by our experienced hair stylist, uses the methods and techniques taught by Billy Yamaguchi. You will be treated to one of the best hair and beauty experiences of your life when you enter our calming salon. Call today to schedule an appointment.

Hair Salon Ventura
Yamaguchi Salons
Hair Salon Ventura
3585 Telegraph Rd Ste G
Ventura CA 93003 US

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Billy Yamaguchi was the first to integrate Feng Shui into the beauty and wellness industry and has authored two books on the subject. His national and international television appearances have showcased the Feng Shui Makeover and Yamaguchi Lifestyle. He has been voted one of the most influential hair designers and educators in the industry. The Yamaguchi Hair Therapy Product line has been featured in national magazines as Editor’s Choice.



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